Nice to meet you, I'm Lucy. You may have seen my name in the headlines, possibly next to that of Donald Johanson or Tom Gray, but I am so much more than a news article. People think they know me, but in reality, all they know me for is my ability to walk upright. My blog and social media channels are a way to connect with my audience and share more about my life. My mission is to share an unfiltered perspective on my life, my habits, and my interests.

CONTAct me
For promotional and business collaborations, or for any personal questions, you can reach me here:
abahadur@nd.edu or drop me a line: 555-555-555
Top left and center images: Reconstructions of A. afarensis. Far Right image: Fossils discovered of my (Lucy) skeleton. Bottom Center image: Mold of my (Lucy) skull.